Q1. Where is East Lawn Cemetery?
East Lawn Cemetery
4300 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento
Q2. When should I arrive at East Lawn Cemetery?
Arrive by 8:00 AM (or earlier)
Q3. When is the Crowning and Mass at the Cathedral?
11:00 AM
Q4. How can we get back to the Cemetery after Mass at the Cathedral?
Possibilities include —Q5. What should we bring?
Walking shoes and your Rosary! Feel free to bring a water bottle for the walk. Water bottles will also be provided by the cemetery.Q6. What will be happening during the Procession?
Praying the Rosary and singing hymns.
Q7. How can I help?
There are considerable costs for police escort and other needs. If you would like to help, please send a check payable to St. Stephen the First Martyr Parish, 5461 – 44th Street, Sacramento, CA 95820. Please indicate it is for the “May Procession” fund. All donations are greatly appreciated!
If you would like to contribute your time or talents, please use our Contact Us form.
Refer CLERGY questions to Fr. Curtis at 916.445.5114.
Q8. Any other ideas for transportation?
Yes, we suggest considering organizing a bus with your parish for transportation to and from the event.